20/20 Vision
Principle 7: 20/20 Vision – Be free to know God and experience his love.
(Ephesians 3:17-21)
Basic Principle by Questions
- How does having a heart purified of guilt and hurt help you see God more accurately? What are the differences you have noted about your view of God as your life has progressed? …as this study has progressed?
- What difference does it make that you see God in more areas of your life or that you know and experience His love for you more often and more deeply?
- How are your personal relationships being changed by your changing views of God?
- Who has noticed changes in you? What did they say?
- Have you noticed changes in you? What do you say?
- What do you believe to be the greatest, most awesome attributes of God?
- List the 5 most influential people in your life and briefly describe what you imagine or know to be their views of God.
- When do you take time and how do you invest time (your style of personal worship) in getting to know the heart of God?
- What do you believe God has in mind for you in your future to serve Him, honor Him, and continue to grow into Christ-likeness?
- We become like the God or god we serve. Psalm 135 relates that those who made their own gods became like the gods they made. Now that you see the true God more for who He really is, how do you know you will change in years to come as He transforms you into His likeness? Romans 8:29; Romans 12:1, 2
Irreducible Minimums
- Growing in Christ’s freedom by eliminating prisons of the heart and poison in the soul sets us free to see God more clearly and more accurately. (Matthew 5:8)
- Some have viewed God only as harsh judge, as distant or disappointed, and never pleased with us. They are sadly wrong.
- He is love and loves us. (I John 4: 18-19; John 3: 16)
- Prison Break: Lies about God’s true nature and character keep us bound in prisons of the heart and hinder the flow of love in and through us. Truth experienced sets us free from prisons of the soul.
- As we see God more accurately based on His true character we desire to be like Him and cooperate with His work to conform us to the image of His Son. (Romans 8:28)