What We Do
What We Do
What difference would it make if you had received the mentoring and training necessary to establish growing, joyful relationships? What if you could establish and enjoy an increasingly love-filled home, deep friendships, and vulnerable community with others? You may have those abundant relationships in your life right now. I hope you do. But too many don’t and don’t know how. What impact would a healthy measure of loving, abundant relationships have on your day-to-day attitude about your own personal value, your work, marriage, family, ministry involvement, and, well, even your faith? How would you feel about the legacy you would leave for others, if you did a great job of loving “the Lord your God with all your heart… and others as yourself”? That is what we at BIM are trusting God to do each day in us personally and through us as we equip others.
We get involved in mentoring, building relationship ministries, creating relational and marriage workshops, developing teams of dedicated volunteers for service, and equipping more friends of the ministry to expand their reach, so loving others with the love of Jesus becomes much more widely spread in this world…starting at home – mine and yours.
Relationship Resources
Relationship Resources
Having great relationships (single or married) is usually not the result of an isolated sermon series, a weekend workshop, or reading another book on the subject.
Those resources can be very helpful, but in most cases they are simply not enough to overcome unresolved conflicts or the lack of relationship skills. We need an ongoing process of varied environments and great resources, don’t we?
Basic Idea Ministries works to create events, recommend resources, AND build effective processes for individuals, couples, and churches, who want healthy, loving relationships. Our mission is to “help leaders (you and me) live loved and give love freely…starting at home. We may never be able to maintain perfect love relationships, but by God’s grace and wisdom, we can and will make progress toward loving as Jesus loves.
How Can You Help?
How Can You Help?
If marriage is a big deal to God, and it is, then certainly we could find ways to join Him and support what He is doing and has been doing since Adam and Eve.
- Pray – Please pray for us and join our Prayer Team and receive our monthly prayer calendars.
- Donate – You could help us financially to continue to invest in kingdom-building marriage ministries and personal mentoring.
- Volunteer – You and your spouse could join us by becoming an Encourager Couple with TBI.
Contact us and ask us how….it is a great way to invest in other couples and families to the glory of God and for reaching the next generation for Christ. What better way than to build the army of leaders and families we need by beginning at the home front? I can’t think of a better one.