For too long, we’ve been told we had to “do the best they can” in our relationships based primarily on responses to what we saw that worked or didn’t work in others we’ve observed. We think relationships are too important to leave to just doing the best we can.
At The Basic Idea Ministries we’ve learned several key principles that have been applied in thousands of people and have resulted in tremendous positive change in lives, marriages, and families. Our staff would love to have the opportunity to share these principles with you.
We are aware that a relationship conference may not be the only ingredient in a recipe for making a relationship healthy or preventing problems in the relationship; but at an effective relationship conference, you can break downward trends or unhealthy patterns.
You can experience deeper levels of communication and mutual care that prepare them to engage new skills and healthy habits for a hopeful future.
Changing lives and changing legacies mean a change in the communities and consequently in our culture. Very few would argue that our culture is just fine as it is. We, all of us, need to see more examples of God’s love being lived powerfully behind the closed doors of our homes. We all want to see loving relationships lived before our children and grandchildren so that they will have clear examples of God’s love.
We at Basic Idea Ministries hope to be a part of God’s work accomplishing this kind of miracle-ministry of healing families, friendships, and marriages.
Interested in hosting a relationship conference at your church? Fill out the form below to receive more information!
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