Ten Relational Needs*
(Addressed by Jesus)
Acceptance – deliberate and ready reception with a favorable positive response, even after failure (Rom. 15:7). (Jesus accepted Peter even after Peter’s failure. John 21:17)
Affection – to communicate care and closeness through physical touch and words (Rom. 16:16). (Jesus had compassion and loved his disciples to the end. John 13:1)
Appreciation – to communicate with words and feelings a personal gratefulness for another (I Cor. 11:2). (Jesus welcomed children-was not bothered by them. Mark 10:14)
Approval – expressed commendation; to think and speak well of (Rom. 14:18). (Jesus commended the Roman centurion for his faith. Luke 7:9)
Attention – to take thought of another and convey appropriate interest and support; to enter into another’s “world” (I Cor. 12:25). (Jesus left the Father to enter our world. Philippians 2:6-8)
Comfort (empathy) – to come alongside with word, feeling and touch; to give consolation with tenderness (Rom. 12:15). (Jesus wept with friends. John 11:35)
Encouragement – to urge forward and positively persuade toward a goal (I Thes. 5:11, Heb. 10:24). (Jesus sent his disciples out to do kingdom work. John 14:12)
Respect – to value and regard highly; to convey great worth (Rom. 12:10). (Jesus valued the adulterous woman brought for judgment. John 8:10-11)
Security – confidence of harmony in relationships; free from harm (Rom. 12:16a). (Jesus promised to be with us “even to the end of the age”. Matthew 28:20)
Support – come alongside and gently help carry a load (Gal. 6:2). (Jesus was with his disciples through celebration and challenging times and left His Spirit. John 14:18)
*List was adapted from Intimate Encounters Workbook, page 12; Relationship Press, P O Box 201808, Austin, TX