How many married couples do you know whose marriage relationship you would imitate? We at Basic Idea Ministries (BIM) have asked that question in many states in the USA and several other countries. The results have been shockingly predictable. Most groups of 100 participants yield fewer than five or six attendees who want to imitate any of the marriages they’ve observed. Even among those who know couples whose marriage they’d imitate reach back to their grandparents’ generation for a successfully lived marriage relationship.
So, what do we do? Do we sit back and continue the status quo relying on wishful thinking and good intentions? At The Basic Idea Ministries, we suggest a plan and a process for helping this and future generations find the help needed to fill our neighborhoods and communities with marriage relationships worth imitating. We understand marriages haven’t been and won’t be perfect, but we do believe couples can start at whatever level of love they currently share and deepen that love into one that their children and friends would envy and hope to imitate.
May we suggest that our marriage retreats could play a part in the process of developing such marriages and building healthy relationships? At our marriage retreats, we enjoy engaging couples to evaluate honestly their current levels of intimacy in spiritual, emotional, and physical connections. From that foundation couples determine what went wrong – if there are problems in the marriage; and we discover practical, powerful ways to begin to turn the tide to growth of intimacy and love.
In our marriage retreats, we attempt to address these and other questions:
- How do we remove obstacles in our relationship?
- What are healthy roles for the husband and wife?
- Why is our level of communication effective or ineffective in conflict resolution?
- Is it possible to speak truth in love in our marriage?
- How do we make real progress toward loving and liking one another?
- How can I love my spouse the way Jesus loves me?
Marriage retreats can become a great environment from which to launch a greater love relationship in your marriage than you have ever seen, experienced, or even thought possible. May we help in your quest for a great or greater marriage? Please contact us for more information.
Changing lives and changing legacies mean a change in the communities and consequently in our culture. Very few would argue that our culture is just fine as it is. We, all of us, need to see more examples of God’s love being lived powerfully behind the closed doors of our homes. We all want to see loving relationships lived before our children and grandchildren so that they will have clear examples of God’s love. We at BIM hope to be a part of God’s work accomplishing this kind of miracle-ministry of healing marriage and families.
Marriage retreats can become a great environment from which to launch a greater love relationship in your marriage. Our goal for participants is that God would empower each to experience a greater love that any of us thought was possible.
May we help in your quest for a great or greater marriage? Please contact us for more information at