Dave and Carol Lewis - The Basic IdeaOur Family

Hi, I am Dave Lewis, the founder of Basic Idea Ministries. My wife Carol and I were married in 1972, and we have 3 children and 8 grandchildren.

Our Experience

Experiencing God’s love has brought significant change in our own marriage and family. As a result of the impact of Jesus’ love and truth, we have been given many opportunities to serve churches, families, and individuals in several countries.

Since our experiences with Intimate Life Ministries(now – Great Commandment Network)  in 1994, we have led marriage and singles conferences and helped develop relationship ministries in Pakistan, Romania, Mexico, Bosnia – Herzegovina, Brazil, Croatia, Honduras, Rwanda, India, Kenya, Canada, and the U.S.  God has been faithful to move powerfully in each country among pastors, leaders, and volunteers.

Why Basic Idea Ministries (BIM)?

We started Basic Idea Ministries (BIM) in September of 2010 in order to answer a clear call to help establish God’s love firmly in the homes of pastors and leader couples using a mentoring model.

After working for 30+ years teaching school and in church-related ministry, we have concluded that not only are pastors and Christian leaders, including fathers and mothers, in dangerous positions due to the pressures of ministry and spiritual warfare, but also they are in a unique position to impact culture with the love of Christ. So, God has called us to do ministry “top-down”.

As a friend of mine described it, “BIM is a ‘one-to-many’ ministry. Reach the leader, then the family, and impact many more.”

Simple Mission

The Dave Lewis Family

An important lesson I learned as a staff member for 9+ years at North Point Ministries in Atlanta, GA, was to “keep things simple”.  “Helping leaders live loved and give love freely… starting at home” summarizes the simple mission we believe God has called us to complete.

Since my late teen years, after coming to faith in Jesus Christ as the only Savior, God has clearly led me to fulfill a life’s calling to “turn the hearts of fathers(parents) to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers(parents)”.

Men and women, single or married need help establishing meaningful, lasting relationships.  We, Carol and I, needed help and healing in our relationship twenty-six years ago. We prayed and God answered with a powerful change that started at a conference, resulted in a year of focused learning, and continues today in a growing, hope-filled marriage.  We praise Him for the miracles we experience!

We, Dave and Carol Lewis, believe that Christ’s life-changing love must be evident in our marriage.   Our children and grandchildren must see for themselves, as Carol and I love God, each other, and them.  In that way we are laying a foundation of authenticity to share Christ’s love and Good News with others.  Vibrant faith and abundant love are caught as much or more than they are taught.

Whether those who observe our lives ever come to faith in Jesus or live an abundant life for themselves will be between them and God, but Carol and I want to live a life worth living and set an example worth following…perhaps not ever perfect, but certainly ever making progress.

Jesus is Able

We want to build – by God’s favor – a worldwide network of empowered individuals and couples who experience growing love in their key relationships; communicate God’s love to their families, churches, and communities; and equip others to do the same.

Do you know those who would benefit from working with Basic Idea Ministries?

  • We appreciate your prayer support and invite you to encourage pastor/leader couples and singles to contact BIM if they need relational help currently or want to invest now to avoid potential problems later.
  • If your church leaders want to invest in their pastor’s marriage, we’d like to help.
  • If your church or denomination needs a more effective way of building relational health into the congregation and community, contact us and let’s see if God would allow us to partner with you.

If you want to know more, please visit the rest of our website, and be sure to contact us if you have questions.  Email:  dave.lewis@thebasicidea.org
