Because relationship challenges are both serious and widespread, we want to equip a growing number of couples and singles who will multiply the impact of this ministry.   Those we equip and with whom we partner are called “Encouragers”.  As these Encourager (Couples or Individuals) take their places beside those in relational trouble  – or wanting to avoid  it – across this country and around the world, we will see a revival of loving relationships at home, at church, and in the community.

Can you imagine that God wants to see this happen, resulting in a new hunger for salvation in the hearts of those outside the faith?  Jesus said “they will know you are my disciples, if you love one another”.  (John 13:  35)

While serving on the staff of North Point Ministries in Alpharetta, GA, I learned very valuable ministry principles.  Among those I learned and implemented, as the Director of the Care Network, was the principle of “replacing yourself” or “intentional apprenticing”.  That principle applied to our ministry means that current BIM Encouragers have the responsibility and privilege of teaching others to do what they do so that the influence of Christ’s love continues to grow.

Would you prayerfully consider whether or not God would have you join with other BIM Encouragets in order to see “[His] kingdom come, [His] will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”?  (Matthew 6:10)  We could rightly apply this prayer and ask that His kingdom come and His will be done – in families, churches, and communities – as it is in heaven… starting with our own!

Interested in becoming an Encourager Couple?

Fill out the form below to receive more information!
