Universal Need

Principle 2: Universal Need – Everyone is 100% needy of God’s love and provision 100% of the time.
(Acts 17:25)

Basic Principle by Questions

  1. Suppose we sent 10 reporters to 10 different countries. The assignment for each reporter is to interview at least 100 people in that country asking the following question:
    “What do you really need to live a successful, meaningful life?”
    What would be common answers from the people interviewed?
  2. Do you believe people all over the world and in every generation want to live a successful life that is both meaningful and fulfilling?
  3. What is the true source of all the resources we need for life?
  4. What do we have to do to earn the resources we need to really live?
  5. What is the impact of not getting what we were created to need?
  6. What is your response to God for making you needy?
  7. What is your response to God for supplying resources to meet you needs?
  8. Have you accepted the gifts of food, shelter, clothing, and air? Are you thankful?
  9. Have you accepted the gift of relationships, friendships, emotional resources to potentially meet emotional / relationship needs? How do you express gratitude for these?
  10. Have you accepted God’s gift of His Son Jesus Christ given to make you fully acceptable in the eyes of God as His child?
  11. If your answer is yes, do you know that as a child of God you get a kingdom of privileges, promises, responsibilities, and power?
  12. How good does it sound to have in Jesus Christ all you need for life and for godliness in this now and forever? What would you say to God in response?
  13. How hopeful might a person be to recognize his own desperate need for God but know those needs can be met by God’s love and provision – directly or indirectly?
  14. On what or in whom is your hope for here and for hereafter?
  15. How would hopefulness in life be enhanced by the realization that you are deeply loved by God?

Irreducible Minimums

  • Because we are all equally needy, we are neither superior nor inferior to others.
  • Living in the attitude of being inferior or superior to others results in not loving others and not receiving love in an abundant life.
  • Because God loves us, we can depend on Him for the provision for our needs, whether they are physical, emotional, or spiritual. (Matthew 5:3)
  • God can meet our needs directly or indirectly through others, as He chooses.
  • Prison of False Hope: When we demand that others meet all our needs, depending on them to bring us love, happiness, and personal value, we eventually discover that our hope was misplaced.
  • Our desperate neediness is a matter of fact and does not escape God`s notice or concern. (Acts 17:25; Matthew 6:7-15; Genesis 2:8)